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Creative Matters
Te Mahi Auaha

For Teachers




"The professional learning that Mandy delivers, is of the highest quality.  Her delivery and engaging style, empower all staff in a positive way which reminds us that we are learners too, and that we can be successful as artists and teachers.  She provides impactful sessions that are bespoke to our school's needs.  A session with Mandy invigorates our team every time and we look forward to each impactful session.  This PLD is exceptional and Mandy's experience and passion are the reason why." 

Grey Lynn School Principal Alicia Whata

Ko pohewa, ko auaha ngā ara ki ao hou.

Creativity and imagination transport us to new worlds.



With the new expectations of the MoE to teach 1 hour each day of reading, writing and maths it can feel hard and overwhelming to incorporate visual art into your weekly programme.


We can work with your school to introduce effective methods for integrating visual art and creativity with numeracy and literacy. Refreshed NZ Curriculum aligned, interactive, accessible PLD sessions that will inspire and motivate 

STAFF MEETING - 90 minutes

  • Explore and discuss a number of Aotearoa NZ artists artworks, as well as well known international artists work, that display mathematical ideas

  • Identify and discuss the mathematical and visual arts elements within the works

  • Create a number of simple artworks that teach and consolidate maths skills as well as visual arts skills and techniques using maths shapes, folding paper and collage

  • Discuss the numeracy and visual arts learning and how these ideas could be extended

  • Discuss ways to connect with literacy

  • Brainstorm in teams ways to respond to a given artwork with numeracy and literacy 

  • Identify ways to adapt ideas to the level you teach and connect with the curriculum

  • Look at the plan and curriculum links

FREE RESOURCES Teachers will be given:

  1. An slide presentation with numerous examples of NZ and international artists' work, links for more info, curriculum links and connections with literacy.

  2. A link to a plan which can be modified to suit

Trialed and modified with teachers at Glenavon school



I love the way we got to participate and extract the language and concepts from each other

Enjoyed the activities, sparked workshop/lesson ideas to do with my tamariki, built confidence for using art language in different contexts.

It always seems quite a big task to integrate, but your activities have shown it’s much simpler than I thought, while still being effective

This has shown how easy art, literacy and numeracy can be integrated and still achieve outcomes within all.

I will literally take these activities straight to the classroom next week

Hands on helps me to cement learning and gives me other ideas on what it would look like in my classroom

The practical art-making showed me it's achievable and taught me to let children create their own artwork. They see things differently, and it's important not to interfere with their unique perspectives and creativity.

Online PD coming soon!

curriculum aligned

integration of the VISUAL arts

with numeracy and literacy   




  • classify shapes based on their geometric properties

  • visualise, predict, and identify a shape that is a reflection, rotation, or translation of a given two-dimensional shape.​​​

  • make statements and give explanations based on observations 

  • add or subtract any whole number reliably and efficiently

  • recognise and explore patterns and draw conclusions about them

  • represent decimals, fractions, and percentages using both discrete and continuous models

  • count


  • Connect through storytelling involves the use of creative processes to explore ideas in visual texts (artworks)

  • Use a creative process to experiment and innovate, making decisions that extend or elevate ideas

  • Combine written language, oral language and visual modes to communicate​

  • Record and discuss processes, stages, reflections, descriptions, procedures​

  • Interpreting and expressing meaning in artworks

  • Develop visual communication

  • Find similarities and differences in visual texts (artworks)

  • Investigate artists and their work



  • Explore some art-making conventions, applying knowledge of elements and selected principles through the use of materials and processes.

  • Develop and revisit visual ideas, in response to a variety of motivations, observation, and imagination, supported by the study of artists’ works.

  • Describe the ideas their own and others’ objects and images communicate.

PLD priorities



  • emanates from ako

  • focuses on learners as learners

  • focuses on teacher competence and confidence

  • focuses on teacher inclinations and dispositions

  • is authentic

  • captures tamaiti, whānau, hapū, and community voice

  • captures ākonga potential and talent

  • informs planning and required targeted assistance


  • understanding, valuing and amplifying different world views and perspectives through the study of an artist

  • recognising diversity of identities



  • develops understandings of histories through the study of artists, art movements, artworks and art themes.

"Arts education explores, challenges, affirms, and celebrates unique artistic expressions of self, community, and culture."  NZ CURRICULUM


TBC depending on timing

Staff meeting

2024 special rate $450 +GST including all materials

$650+GST for a customised new programme

KĀhui Ako

conference or meeting

TBC depending on timing

1-1 mentoring

$80 per hour +GST via Zoom

other PLD options

We have other interactive, cross curricular visual arts PLD and visual arts opportunities for you to choose from which focus on how to develop a rich creative process of exploring, experimenting, creating, reflecting and sharing, (understand, know, do). 

Teachers are guided to experience this process first hand, develop their practical knowledge, discover how they can apply the techniques and approach in their classrooms and make links across the curriculum.


Customised PLD that is designed to fit your specific needs and curriculum focus.


Painting and

colour making

Learn easy ways to set up for painting, learn painting techniques and explore ways to develop the colour making process.


Exploring an artist and responding to their artwork

Learn techniques for exploring an artist, talking about and interpreting their work, developing practical knowledge and responding to the artist's ideas in individual ways.

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Creating a cross curricular art exhibition

Create a cross curricular school wide art exhibition celebrating the entire creative process as well as the final artworks.

Creating a mural 

Are you in charge of creating a mural with ākonga and need some guidance or support? Do you want us to facilitate a mural creation or art installation in your school?

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Introducing Squiggla

(A Chartwell Trust programme) 

Creative visual thinking activities using free flow, abstract, playful mark making to exercise the creative mind. A fantastic option for class teachers, RTLB, teacher aides and SENCO.

Creating collaborative art installations

Teachers will create the beginning of an art installation for the school, learning about all the considerations needed for creating an installation and practical skills for making. Then the learning will be taken to their ākonga to continue the collaboration journey.


Exploring printmaking

Learn practical techniques in printmaking methods of your choice and ways to develop the process:

  • etching

  • mono printmaking

  • linocut

  • collograph (cardboard)

  • woodcut

Talking about Art

Communicating and Interpreting - Develop creative and critical thinking skills and strategies for:

  • looking closely at artworks

  • making predictions and comparisons

  • identifying symbols, art elements and features

  • discussing thoughts and reactions

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1-1 or small group mentoring

Do you have a new role in visual arts and need support? Do you need a refresh or support with visual arts techniques or developing the creative process? Mandy can help.

  • 1 hour Zoom meetings at your choice of time for as long as you need!

  • At your school

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